
The HYRA Token is the native token of the Hyperas chain, playing a crucial role in fueling the activities and operations within its ecosystem. Designed to be fundamental to the network, the HYRA Token acts as the foundation for transactions, governance, and various functionalities across the Hyperas chain. Beyond its primary implementation, HYRA Tokens are additionally developed on the Arbitrum network, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, to enhance its interoperability and efficiency within the wider blockchain ecosystem. With a total supply of 50 billion HYRA Tokens, this currency is aimed at supporting a diverse range of applications, from APP to other blockchain-based applications, enabling smooth transactions and interactions within the Hyperas chain and among interconnected platforms.

HYRA Token Use Cases

The HYRA cryptocurrency has practical uses, such as paying for transaction fees to maintain the network by validators. Additionally, the HYRA ecosystem fosters innovative concepts like "Train to Earn." This novel approach leverages artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to empower users with unique opportunities to earn rewards.

  • Train to Earn: allows individuals to contribute to the network by utilizing their computing power for AI-related tasks and data processing. In return for their contributions, participants can receive HYRA tokens as rewards. This synergy between AI and blockchain not only promotes decentralized computing but also provides a means for individuals to monetize their AI capabilities.

  • Governance Participation: HYRA token holders may have the opportunity to participate in the governance of the network, which includes proposing and voting on important changes to the protocol, upgrades, or even the reallocation of community funds within the HYRA ecosystem. This democratic approach empowers users to directly influence the development and strategic direction of the network, ensuring that it evolves in a way that is aligned with the community's interests. Governance mechanisms can encourage broader community involvement and investment in the long-term health and functionality of the network.

  • Transaction Fees: HYRA is used to pay for transaction fees when users send funds or interact with smart contracts on the network. These fees help prevent spam and prioritize transactions based on their importance within the blockchain.

  • Validators' Incentives: Validators, who play a critical role in maintaining the network's consensus and security, are often rewarded with transaction fees for their efforts. This incentivizes validators to operate honestly and participate actively in the network's maintenance.

  • Network Security: Transaction fees contribute to the security of the HYRA network by deterring malicious actors from flooding the network with frivolous transactions. Validators (or miners) prioritize transactions with higher fees, ensuring that the network remains efficient and secure.

  • Resource Allocation: Transaction fees can be used to allocate network resources effectively. Higher fees may grant users faster transaction confirmations and priority processing during network congestion.

By combining the utility of HYRA for transaction processing with cutting-edge AI capabilities, the HYRA network opens up new avenues for users to actively engage with the ecosystem while contributing to its growth and decentralization.

HYRA Token Key Metric

  • Token name: HYPERAS

  • Ticker: HYRA

  • Blockchain: Hyperas , Arbitrum

  • Contract: N/A

  • Token type: Utility, Governance

  • Total Supply: 50,000,000,000 HYRA

HYRA Token Allocation

HYRA Token Release Schedule

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